02-23-2014, 04:14 AM
Okay, here is Halkey Roberts. The center is yellow post and ruff. You push in and twist to open. Push in and twist opposite to close.
[url "http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA"]http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA[/url]
This should be the valve you have though the center button might not be red. It is a push once "open", push once "Close'. Note, the middle LOOKS like a button.
[url "http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1"]http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1[/url]
Either of those pumps should work. Attach the piece of hose to the largest adapter, and squeeze it into the valve. It should be a very tight fit.
We use an LVM to pump our boats up fast and in the open position. We quickly close them then top them off with a hand pump.
You need that little piece of hose as it is the right size.
[url "http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA"]http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Halkey-Roberts+valves&id=48250B039FC4C7EAEB320D0C6345CEAD08D1C774&FORM=IQFRBA[/url]
This should be the valve you have though the center button might not be red. It is a push once "open", push once "Close'. Note, the middle LOOKS like a button.
[url "http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1"]http://shop.inflatableboatparts.com/product.php?productid=1&cat=22&page=1[/url]
Either of those pumps should work. Attach the piece of hose to the largest adapter, and squeeze it into the valve. It should be a very tight fit.
We use an LVM to pump our boats up fast and in the open position. We quickly close them then top them off with a hand pump.
You need that little piece of hose as it is the right size.