12-18-2013, 06:45 AM
Reagan filled the hole in some, Clinton started digging again, Bush dug some more and made the hole bigger and Obama just keeps on digging now faster than anyone ever has. 5 years and things are only worse. Read history, the way to control people is thru healthcare, next get the guns. We are on the edge, don't sit around and whine and blame. They are all lying to us. R u republic phobic?
If you want to get to the bottom, stop digging!
We are no longer the on the top rung, the Russians aren't gonna put up with anybullshit the gays try to start. This could trigger some scary shit.
If you want to get to the bottom, stop digging!
We are no longer the on the top rung, the Russians aren't gonna put up with anybullshit the gays try to start. This could trigger some scary shit.