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Help, Fly selection for Strawberry...
[quote FishN2Dmax]Behind a boat, we've had excellent results slow pulling a #6 black or purple bead head woolley buggers. In the morning, we run them right on top and as the day wears on we put some weight on the line and / or get it down deeper via using weighted fly line. Most fish caught are from top to 20' down in both cut's and rainbow. Strange, we seem to catch twice as many bows on the purple and more cuts using the black woolleys ? Good Luck![/quote]

That is strange. It must be location because it is the opposite where I have been fishing. In fact I can guarantee cutt on Purple the last trip. Fun stuff

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Re: [FishN2Dmax] Help, Fly selection for Strawberry... - by flygoddess - 10-19-2013, 11:52 AM

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