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Beginner Muskie Fishing Setup
I would say spend $100 on a rod and $100 on a reel. I believe if you spend a little more at first and get a good rod and reel it will last longer..

I would go with a heavy action rod for what you plan to do...Heavy is just the action and will allow you to throw 3/4-3oz lures no problem.

Shimano makes good reels and the cardiff is a great reel for the price, having a bait caster will allow you to retrieve muskie lures with ease as big lures have a lot of drag and can chew up the insides of spinning reels.

As far as lures, I would pick up a couple size 8 bucktails, some gliders (rapala glidin raps) and some crankbaits.

Gander mountain does carry muskie rods and they sell some good ones for under a $100..

Messages In This Thread
Beginner Muskie Fishing Setup - by DanOpi - 07-16-2013, 01:17 PM
Re: [DanOpi] Beginner Muskie Fishing Setup - by Wildcat94 - 07-16-2013, 04:10 PM

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