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pahranagat lake fishing???
I think that you are talking about Pahranagat Lake near Alamo and not the one in Utah. I haven't fished there before. Are you going to fish the upper or lower lake? I have heard the lower lake is difficult to fish from the shore. Lots of weeds and tules. But the upper lake looks like it has more shore access than the lower lake. I have been told that there are a good population of blue gill, crappie and catfish. If you are looking for bass I know that Nesbitt Lake is pretty good but you need a boat/tub/kayak to access it because of all of the tules growing around the lake. If you end up going let us all know how it was. I have always wanted to give it a try.

Messages In This Thread
pahranagat lake fishing??? - by striperking18 - 07-08-2013, 02:12 PM
Re: [striperking18] pahranagat lake fishing??? - by toadie_79 - 07-08-2013, 05:36 PM

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