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Beach/Surf fishing in California
[#0000FF]The best time to go fishing is whenever you can get away. And if you can't fish with the one you love, fish with the one you're with...or however that goes.

Most surf fishing regulars prefer early morning high tides. But I can guarantee you there can be good fishing at any time of the day if conditions are right. The fish don't wear watches. They simply feed when the food is available. But if there is a high tide in the evening that can be good also. Many species of fish are more active during low light periods.

The main arguments for fishing early are that is when the wind is calmest...and there are fewer swimmers to mess up your sharp hooks. Once the beach bunnies show up it can be problematic to try to concentrate on fishing. And the lifeguards will run you off along some beaches.

Messages In This Thread
Beach/Surf fishing in California - by senkonate - 07-03-2013, 12:28 AM
Re: [senkonate] Beach/Surf fishing in California - by TubeDude - 07-03-2013, 07:04 PM

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