07-02-2013, 10:35 PM
Not at all. It's just that Lee Kay ponds was handled differently than any other hatchery in the state. The state is now correcting that. I bet not only will they put up signs stating it's a hatchery and closed to fishing but they'll list it in the proclamation from now on. A search on UDWR for fish hatcheries puts this as the first match http://wildlife.utah.gov/hatcheries/
and it has no mention of Lee Kay Ponds. I'm sure if you already knew it was a hatchery it's easy to find that information on their website without having to wade through hundreds of search matches.
and it has no mention of Lee Kay Ponds. I'm sure if you already knew it was a hatchery it's easy to find that information on their website without having to wade through hundreds of search matches.