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Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers.
its absolutely ridiculous- i cannot believe our DWR would let this happen in the first place !!! i am furious- thats thousands upon thousands of dollars WASTED!!!!! not to mention the idiots that took the fish in the first place...ooooh YUMMY fish that have been sitting in a Marsh pond for the past several years. _

So what the hell... No fences?? No signs??? NOTHING- we are looking great now... GO UTAH.... Now what?? get more fingerlings and sit back and wait for the next 6 yrs + for them to reach maturity to breed ?? yaaaay we will be stocking in the yr 2020... good god, Pineview got a whopping 600 fish this yr- maybe a couple will make it to maturity ... and the rest will be eaten by larger fish, poached. or killed by manys improper handling...

and what really hurts more than anything is that NO ONE will be held accountable for this... why? because there wasnt a sign, a fence.. Nada. This is insane.

you can call me a muskie Nazi.. I call it passionate...passionate about something that means more to me than most can understand.

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Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - by Utcatman - 07-02-2013, 04:05 AM

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