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Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers.
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted here yet. The DWR had a "bit" of a setback with their Tiger Muskie program recently.

[url ""][/url]

From the article;

" As it turns out the fishing was probably not illegal because there were no signs around the ponds explaining that it was a state fish hatchery and because there are no state regulations on true muskie because they only exist at Lee Kay."

IMO, an inexcusible error on the DWR's part. Wish them well getting VHS free TM fry from out-of-state so they can stock some more. UGH.

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Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - by doggonefishin - 07-02-2013, 03:23 AM

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