06-30-2013, 09:39 PM
Hey guys, just want to five an update on my first trip to sand hollow. I hit the lake around 7am. Gave the shallows a try at first with a popper. I got a couple of good strikes but I couldn't get a taker. So I decided to move down the dam to deeper water. I found a huge clump of grass and saw some huge bass hanging out there. So I started throwing a spinner to get a feel for where the fish where holding to. I got some good solid strikes but I wasn't able to hookup the fish. So I switched to a Texas rig swim bait and bam fish on. It was a good 3 lbs lmb. Now I was getting excited but after that first fish I could not get after taker. So I switched to a wacky rig senko. Made a long cast to deep water. Bam, another good 3 lbs lmb. I re-rigged another wacky worm, casted, and hooked up with a dink. Another cast and another dink. After that fishing cooled down and the weather got hot. So I called it a day after 3 hours of fishing. Also caught a bunch of blue gill after the bass stopped biting. Overall, good day of fishing and great first time fishing sand hollow. Definitely will have to give it another try.