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DWR Cat Video Session 6-27-13
[#0000FF]Sorry, boss. I'll try to be more careful with the profanity (wind). If I mess up again you should wash my mouth out with a good brew.

Nope. Din't get no gorillas on this trip. But I seldom fish for the bigguns. I get a few incidentally while fishing with medium tackle and smaller baits but my primary goal is usually just getting a few cookie cutters and two footers. Those "average" fish on Thursday "fought bigger than they were" TubeBabe likes to say. Plenty fun.

No smokitty from this trip. A meal for the old folks and the rest in the freezer for an upcoming fambly fish fry. Got an annual tradition where we gather up, fry some kitties and make some perch chowder. Now I gotta pack in some perch for that part. Been tough so far this year.

Messages In This Thread
DWR Cat Video Session 6-27-13 - by TubeDude - 06-27-2013, 10:35 PM
Re: [CoyoteSpinner] DWR Cat Video Session 6-27-13 - by TubeDude - 06-30-2013, 11:18 AM

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