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Jordan River Fishing- May 20 2013
The Journey Continues 5/21/2013!

So PSoup and I both go to spot number 1 and bam I catch a sucker right away. He should have been amazing fresh bait but instead we stayed in that hole for 20-30 more mins with nothing. Moved to spot number 2 and freakin 2 people fishing it >Sad. Move to spot 3...get there and have been fishing literally like 1 minute when all the sudden a lab comes and jumps off a cliff into the water and completely ruins our hole. He swam all around out hole and when the owner showed up she was mad and called him back and he swam back and somehow got stuck on tons of branches. Luckily he was either fairly young or in good shape cause if he was old, he would have been toast. He had to keep paddling to stay above the water for probably 10 or so minutes.

I was in my waders so I attempted to walk to help the dog but it was way to deep. What ended up happening was that she had to walk on this tree with the skinniest branches ever, and push the dog where he eventually swam a different route. Lets just say she's a lucky duck because I can't believe those branches were strong enough to hold her. Otherwise she and her dog probably would have drowned. But she got totally soaked and was in nice clothes so that's the only chuckle I got in, after completely scaring any fish that could have been there.

So we were out of holes in that area and had to drive else where. So we go to a totally new area and Psoup's cat pole is constantly getting smacks while mine isn't getting squat. Finally he gets a really good bite and the cat ran with it but it he wasn't ready and didn't hook it. Nothing happened after that for half hour untill we moved spots. In the new spots we experienced the "night life". Me and Psoup each got a mud cat. Was super small but Psoup got his first ever catfish! After those 2 fish we didn't get any but we had fun just talking and watching beavers in the moon light. They were huge! They'd swim and then dive and sound like a huge fish! Some jumped from cliffs into the water. It was a fun time. Psoup will be adding pictures soon lol.

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Re: [FishingLunatic] Jordan River Fishing- May 20 2013 - by FishingLunatic - 05-22-2013, 06:05 AM

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