02-25-2013, 09:42 PM
[#0000FF][cool]I'm assuming you know about dry storage bags used for river running. Don't know that I would trust anything less...especially in an area of heavy rainfall and constant soil moisture.
Packing some mothballs inside should help discourage intrusion by rodents...but not the inquisitive human kind that might accidentally find it.
I have created caches of goodies before but never float tubes. But the basic principal would be the same. Leave your hidden treasures beneath a natural looking cover...and not under a pile of freshly disturbed earth that mounds up above it.
I generally look for a place with grassy growth. Then I carefully cut out and roll up the sod before digging the hole. Pile the dirt on a tarp so that you can remove whatever you don't need to fill in the hole. Dig the hole as deep as needed and then cover with an extra layer or two of water-proof plastic. Finish by covering with dirt and rolling the sod back in place. An alternative would be to gather dry soil and rocks from surrounding areas. Anything to hide the fresh dig.
The last step is to use a can of eco-friendly spray paint to mark a couple of trees nearby. Then use a compass and step off the distance and note the direction from the marked tree. Then take a direct and noted path to the main trail or road and make another mark or two for future reference.
In this day and age of geocacheing there are lots of folks out looking for hidden goodies...with and without metal detectors. Be prepared to come back and find that your carefully hidden tube has been "donated" to some low life scrounger. Unless you hide food or other attractive scented stuff with your tube it is not likely to be unearthed by critters.
And be on the lookout for Jimmy Hoffa.
Packing some mothballs inside should help discourage intrusion by rodents...but not the inquisitive human kind that might accidentally find it.
I have created caches of goodies before but never float tubes. But the basic principal would be the same. Leave your hidden treasures beneath a natural looking cover...and not under a pile of freshly disturbed earth that mounds up above it.
I generally look for a place with grassy growth. Then I carefully cut out and roll up the sod before digging the hole. Pile the dirt on a tarp so that you can remove whatever you don't need to fill in the hole. Dig the hole as deep as needed and then cover with an extra layer or two of water-proof plastic. Finish by covering with dirt and rolling the sod back in place. An alternative would be to gather dry soil and rocks from surrounding areas. Anything to hide the fresh dig.
The last step is to use a can of eco-friendly spray paint to mark a couple of trees nearby. Then use a compass and step off the distance and note the direction from the marked tree. Then take a direct and noted path to the main trail or road and make another mark or two for future reference.
In this day and age of geocacheing there are lots of folks out looking for hidden goodies...with and without metal detectors. Be prepared to come back and find that your carefully hidden tube has been "donated" to some low life scrounger. Unless you hide food or other attractive scented stuff with your tube it is not likely to be unearthed by critters.
And be on the lookout for Jimmy Hoffa.