10-30-2003, 08:09 AM
here is the problem, thost things get to 70 pounds and eat entires beds of predetor eggs long before the preditors get a chance to take hold.
what they need to do is run carp lines simmilar to trout lines with good dough balls on them, a man could go in to the catfish food business real easy.
an even beter way if you could trust a comercial fish co is to have them net the carp for the catfish food industry and release every thing else. but you and both know that wont happen. as soon as they start catching something else they wont throw it back they will find a way to get around the license and sell their ill gotten booty on a black market.
how about this one, every two weeks run a kids carp fishing derby on the river... the kid who catches the most carp each event wins. all the carp will have to be catch and kill....
when they planted the carp here in michigan they destroyed our natural trout populatons and habitats.
what they need to do is run carp lines simmilar to trout lines with good dough balls on them, a man could go in to the catfish food business real easy.
an even beter way if you could trust a comercial fish co is to have them net the carp for the catfish food industry and release every thing else. but you and both know that wont happen. as soon as they start catching something else they wont throw it back they will find a way to get around the license and sell their ill gotten booty on a black market.
how about this one, every two weeks run a kids carp fishing derby on the river... the kid who catches the most carp each event wins. all the carp will have to be catch and kill....
when they planted the carp here in michigan they destroyed our natural trout populatons and habitats.