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number of times you fish per year
Here too in central Oregon many of the higher elevation lakes in the Cascade Mtns, are being micro-managed by of all people those who run one of the premier ski resorts there. Some areas you cant even park around the lakes without a recreation use permit and near many of the creeks as well.

Trout is the dominant fishing here with some steelhead in the Deschutes River, smallmouth bass in a couple of the lakes as well as a small contingent of Crappie some bullhead cats and only one lake with some imported Florida strain largemouth bass thrown in.

I usually target the fish from a small aluminum boat and often from a float tube in the waters not affected by algae bloom. Prefer float tube whenever possible as it puts the fishing somehow more upfront and personal.

Fishing techniques vary greatly from pulling lake trolls and lures or bait, Dry flies on casting bubbles, drifting over fish holding areas with a dropper rig and bait or feeding the kid in me with upgraded bobber fishing using slip floats. This is by far one of the most versatile weapons in my fishing arsenal. I target any type of fish that presents itself to include an occasional trip to the coast to get my saltwater fix . Dont even begin to ask me what I fish for there as the list just keeps growing ,

Messages In This Thread
number of times you fish per year - by davetclown - 08-26-2008, 09:17 PM
Re: [davetclown] number of times you fish per year - by TOJIACKFLOATMAN - 08-12-2012, 06:39 AM

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