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Taken it easy at Bountiful, Grandslam
Hey all, While healing from my surgery I decided to practise my fly fishing ability.. er inability[cool] I bought my first fly rod in november last year right before I left for the Marine Boot Camp but never had any luck on it. I always take it with me but never have had much in terms of lessons/instructions. So basicaly I've working on it myself and a ton of reading books from the liberary and clips on the web. Slowly but surerly I have moved from hooking everything around me and birdnesting the line five feet out from me to be able to get the line out soft and straight! YAY.
Well last thursday went over to Farmington res for a bit and saw some frisky trout right off the bank so I tossed out my fly and first throw the planter bow slurped it right up! And now i'm hooked...
The next day after catching my first fish on the fly I went to bountiful and threw out a deadstick bread and used my fly rod against the weeds. Good idea! First fish was a decent trout followed by a few more. Then I casted deeper into the cattails and was suprised to pull out a (very) small Large mouth. Beautiful colored and sure made me want a big LMB on a fly ( 1step at a time). Hoping for another I casted out into the same spot and had another small guy but this time it was a Green sunfish! threw it again and got a couple more sunfish then I started finding bluegills! While bringing in another sunfish my bread rod went bendo and I barely got to it before it went in the water. Set the hook and my drag screamed at a 14 pound carp when screamin into the trees. Got him to shore, gave him a kiss and released him. Was wanting to experiment with him and taste him but had no cooler or anything and didn't want him to spoil. Lucky him
From 6 AM to 11 Am I continued to fish and ended up with 106 fish- 6 trout, 2 largemouths, 1 carp and 97 bluegills/sunfish combined. Was a blast. All on the fly except the carp and two of the trout. All released perfectly unharmed and happy...ish

Posting lots of pics, Including how i rig my bread as many have asked me. Hope you like them!

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Taken it easy at Bountiful, Grandslam - by MarineSpear - 05-28-2012, 08:38 AM

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