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Most surprising fish caught
I used to fish that part of Hobble Creek a lot in high school because I lived in that neighborhood to the west of the pool. I never caught any cutts, but I was really surprised by how many sizable browns I found in there. I also caught a huge carp there on a Mepps under the bridge just before you cross into Brookside. I don't know how he got all the way up there.

One of my most surprising catches happened when I was visiting my dad in Connecticut. My friend told me he had found this little pond in the woods with monster bluegill. I went there with an ultralight expecting that, but when we got there, someone had dredged it out. This pond was maybe a half acre tops. Anyway, I didn't catch a single gill, but got into several decent smallmouth, largemouth, rainbows and browns.

Messages In This Thread
Most surprising fish caught - by WIPERFLY - 03-21-2012, 02:18 AM
Re: [Hookinup] Most surprising fish caught - by gstott - 03-21-2012, 05:02 AM

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