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Help ... Impeller Freezing
When I pull my boat out of the water, I turn the motor over and let it run for about 2-3 seconds. I don't just "bump it". This pumps out all the water yet is not long enough to ruin the impellor since they are water lubricated. Also, store the motor in the "down" position. As you know I live up here in the cold and have never had a problem with the impellor freezing up. Yes, the "pee" stream freezes, but thats not unusual. I simply check the rear of the motor see if there is any water "sputtering" from the main exhaust. If that is the case, then the impellor is not frozen. I tried to convince you of that last year, but you are extemely conservative and were worried about "ruining" your motor. These new motors will limit the RPM, shut off completely, or an overheat light/buzzer will go off before the engine is ruined. I will let my motor run for about 2-3 minutes if the "pee" stream is frozen and then the heat of the engine will thaw the "pee" stream out. I not only do this on my outboards (150hp and 8hp) but also on all the outboards for my agency and I have NEVER ruined an impellor or blown an engine from overheating.

Messages In This Thread
Help ... Impeller Freezing - by Old_Coot - 11-08-2011, 02:14 AM
Re: [Old_Coot] Help ... Impeller Freezing - by BearLakeFishGuy - 11-10-2011, 03:52 PM

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