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Carp Festival and Fishing Contest
you will want to use a large cotton ball (bait store veriety) about 1/2 inch in diamiter. and put that on a number 2 hook or larger.

you can use corn but it is dificult to keep on a large hook. so I dip my cotton ball in to a corn juice from creamed corn and lob that out past the fish and bring it in slowly so as not to spook them and let it drop to the bottom, they will go down after it. (they spook easly)

it is wild to watch them swelling on top the water in groups like that. when you see it you know they are feeding and will take just about any thing you throw in front of them. they like yellow tan and light brown collors. not to fond of the darker colors like red green black blue.

they taist the food like gatfish through the cruent in the water. all they need is get a wiff of some thing sweet they will home right on in.

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Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Carp Festival and Fishing Contest - by davetclown - 09-23-2003, 06:22 PM

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