09-23-2003, 11:35 AM
There is alot of A** holes up at the dam that's why I don't go there anymore. Pretty much everyone that I saw fishing snagged there share of fish. YOu should of seen the guys just down from me fishing, they were throwning the biggest michigan spiders I have ever seen and they draged in 10 fish in about 5 hours. Where was the DNR? That weekend and next weekend they are doing there watch on river for snaggers. Tippy dam is loaded with those michigan spiders idoits all night long. I caught on in the mouth Sunday morning that looked like he was a pin coushen. There was three spiders in his back and one single in his tail. I ended up letting that one go. The rain will bring up another run. I would like to go up next week again but bow season is just to close. Do I go fishing or go bow hunting?[crazy][:/][crazy][:/][:/][crazy]