08-19-2011, 02:50 AM
Post your pictures here to get the points for your team.
Check here for team standings. Also BFT has donated a $25.00 dollar gift card to towards the winning team.
Team 1-the cactus kid and Trevor O - points
Team 2-Packfan and Hulapopper - 15 points
Team 3-TheOldSarge and Sfaustin - 5 points
Team 4-Mikkfinn80 and Ivorytip - 5 points
Team 5-chrome_junky and Ddahl3 - 10 points
Team 6-Dma_ayotte and Trophyboat - 26 points
Team 7-nijimasu and ductaped4runner -5 points
good luck to the teams and feel free to shoot the crap with each other and any questions just refer back to the rules i posted in the original post.