08-19-2011, 01:56 AM
i was up there the other day with a bud and the same convesation come up why the hell dont they have kokes in here with the depth. we killed em on needle fish and alot of big rainbows. 2 pounds and better with a occasional 19inch cut if i could fig out a way id stock it myself. it will take years to get it through these buracratec wenners.this is not rocket science put a few thousand in there and see how they do and why they are at it put some of those cutts into porki to start eating the sardines that are in there.the size goes down every year. o ya petty iwas pretty standanard on my presintation just a needle fish on 6 pound p line 23 for me woodpile i think had 9 and that would be pushing it aint it amasing how one downrigger catches more fish than the other.[laugh][laugh][laugh]