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Lake Powell Striper Boils!
Hey all,
Just got back from a family trip down to Lake Powell. We pretty much didn't focus on any real fishing at all other than the typical catfishing and bluegill fishing in the evenings from the boats in our camps. However, on Saturday afternoon (8/13) we were going across Bullfrog bay up near the Halls houseboat buoy field, and I turned around and mentioned to my son-in-law that this was where all the striper boils were supposedly happening. No sooner had I mentioned that when he spotted a boil directly in front of our boat. We cut the engine and grabbed our poles (which we already had rigged with kastmasters just in case!) and we each caught a fat Striper out of that boil! Since we were with another boat, we reluctantly left the boil area and went and set up that evenings camp (anchor lines, etc.) then returned and was able to chase striper boils for about 2 hours later that afternoon. We caught quite a few fish in those two hours! We would just sit still and wait, all looking around, until a boil was spotted, then we would zip over as fast as we could, cut the engine to try and not spook them, then cast into the middle of the boil (if it was still up by then...which it usually wasn't!). Sometimes even after the boil went down you could still get hookups. Attached is a picture of a triple that we had...myself, my son-in-law and my daughter Andrea. This was really the only chance we had to do this the whole week and it was a LOT of fun! I highly recommend that if you have the means you get down there and do it! Fast boat is recommended! There were other boats out there doing the same thing and it made me just a little bit nervous when 3 boats would be zooming into the same boil from different directions at full speed then all would pull up short just outside the boil, drift in and cast...but we got used to it. First time I've ever done that! Just happened to be in the right place at the right time. We had fresh Striper fillets for dinner that night! There was enought for 12 people and we still brought some fillets home just from our little 2 hour fishing excursion! Attached is our triple-pic, and a couple other general Powell's beautiful down there right now!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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Lake Powell Striper Boils! - by N.E.T.O. - 08-15-2011, 09:28 PM

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