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Flaming Gorge with mixed bag of Pics
Also called a bullsnake. I've only heard it called a blow snake around here, but they do puff up and hiss when bothered sometimes, so the name fits. I've even seen them twitch their tails like they are rattling before, but of course are not rattlers. Their head is oval, they have decent hooking teeth, they are constrictors, eat small mammals and reptiles including snakes, the pattern has oval blotches less regular than the rattlers, and they are thinner in build.

What a great trip! Especially for the kids. I long to treat my kids to that kind of successful adventure, and I'll get it right some day.

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Re: [pookiebar] Flaming Gorge with mixed bag of Pics - by Springbuck - 06-02-2011, 12:51 AM

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