05-10-2011, 06:23 AM
What kind hiking and remoteness is involved as regards distance, pathways, climbs, etc.? The choices are different if you are using a horse, 4 wheeler or being dropped off by plane instead of packing in. There are many solutions if you are riding in to a drop off, but far fewer if you are carrying on your back.
[quote Bozwell]First major outing of the year last week. Four days of camping and hiking back into some rather remote lakes. Had a great time, caught plenty of fish but could not get comfortable.
Tried a Creek Co. U-Boat, Togiak, and a Water Skeeter. The first two were out of the question. The Uboat made me feel like my backside was constantly slipping forward. and the Togiak felt like I was always leaning too far back.
The Water Skeeter, while not being familiar with the brand at all, was the most comfortable. It had a slight recline to the rear but just enough to be comfortable so it got the highest marks.
I'm now looking at the Super Fat Cat but really hate to shell out that kind of money only to find out that it may not fit any better than some of the others.
I really need the back support due to past back surgeries and the Water Skeeter provides that but I don't want to count the SFC out of the game until I hear from some of the pros.
Does anyone have an opinion on the Water Skeeter and/or the Super Fat Cat in regards to comfort and reliability?