04-28-2011, 03:06 AM
There are many millions of stripers in the lake. Based on what we are seeing at the south end, the vast majority will survive the next few weeks until the shad spawn once again produces BILLIONS of fry for the stripers and other game fish to feed on. If a million stripers were to die it would make the fishing better.
I'd say "fishing will continue to be excellent, especially with all of the gizzard shad entering the mix this spring."
Reports coming from the North end of the lake shows that the stripers are healthier there due to more available feed, but there is nothing wrong with the south end where we continue to have 100+ fish days with the great majority being healthy. Calm seas, Cap
I'd say "fishing will continue to be excellent, especially with all of the gizzard shad entering the mix this spring."
Reports coming from the North end of the lake shows that the stripers are healthier there due to more available feed, but there is nothing wrong with the south end where we continue to have 100+ fish days with the great majority being healthy. Calm seas, Cap