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Pick the winner !!
I hear tigers and lions are battleing for last place positions. some how they think that holding the last place title is a good thing,

"not so", in my opinion! its been my experience that when you hit rock bottom and you cant fall any further, the bottom usualy drops out and you experience the free fall all over again. And when you are on the bottom they do all they can to keep ya there. and ya just cant get no respect when you are biteing the dust.

for me base ball season ended when the tigers reached the point of no return (the day before spring training started). I still watched them but to be honest the game was on the sound was off,

I havent a clue who is in the running, but if them twins are I will go with them.

other wise I will have to go with the "buckeniers" they got the quitest cheer leaders [Wink]

Messages In This Thread
Pick the winner !! - by Flagmanonice - 08-15-2003, 11:17 PM
Re: [Flagmanonice] Pick the winner !! - by davetclown - 09-02-2003, 12:12 AM
Re: [Flagmanonice] Pick the winner !! - by fishfather - 09-09-2003, 08:17 PM

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