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Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits
Agreed. I took mine out when she was under 18 months ice fishing on Mill Meadow and she loved it. I take her out on the boat all the time. I just don't see the need to use her as an excuse for keeping more fish and rather enjoy the opportunity to let fish go to teach her lessons about respecting nature.

Again, nothing against bait fishing at certain places or keeping some fish but I would prefer if treble hooks were not allowed for bait fishing waters with slot limits, I would prefer increasing slot limit to 24" and included all trout in them, and then allowing one fish in the slot to be taken home to allow anglers to keep that one fish that just won't make it.

But I would also prefer certain waters remain slotless to keep them family fisheries too. I think there is enough water to keep everyone happy.

Now off to Nine Mile, Fish Lake, Mill Meadow, Otter and Piute! Maybe a report on Sunday.

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Re: [pookiebar] Utah should ban all bait completely where they have slot limits - by Jacksonman - 01-20-2011, 06:39 PM

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