11-18-2010, 05:45 AM
Well not sure what Byu has to do with anything, but I would not and will not attend any type of conference they have. It is a shame if some people are brought in illegaly and treated badly against there will, but if some people come over here on there own illegally then I could care less how they get treated. I didn't read up on human trafficing so I will have to do so sometime. I don't remember the case in slc, but 148 cases in 4 years doesn't seem like a alarm to me in anyway. You really willing to destroy lives of ranchers and farmers out there who are doing everything they should by the book because of a What If? There is always two sides to every story and I will always be on the side of the ranchers and farmers out there that work hard and do things legally. They are keeping food on your plate and clothes on your back. I'm usually not argumental like this, but you struck a cord with me on the wrong day. I was glad to hear you work in that field though so you at least new a little about the diseases you were talking about.