08-22-2003, 01:09 AM
green bay off the menominee area ;
Salmon and Browns catches remain darn good, best action taking place off both Green and Chambers Island in 80' of water . There's Walleye activity in the Chambers Island area, it should be all Walleye in another week
menominee area;
Smallmouth all over the lower river. Fair Walleye catches in the area off the U.S. 41 bridge and down stream to the Turn Basin, get there in the evening. Other fish caught Sturgeon, Sheephead (Freshwater Drum), Catfish.
green bay area off of the cedar;
Whale Back Shoal continues to be the hot spot for Salmon good catches for most of all this past week. Occasional Walleye catches reported off Fox Park [five mikes north of Cedar River], also near the Green Can one mile out from the river mouth.
the cedar river
Good Smallmouth catches taking place from the river mouth upstream to the First Rapids, try leaches
bay de noc areas ;
Salmon is rated as fair .The Ford River buoy producing a few catches trolling 60' down .
walleye are south-east of Round Island all the way out to the shoals. Most in 20' to 25' trolling thunder sticks( pink or green )
In little bay de nok , try Black bottom, most drifting crawlers or jigging in 10' to 20'. there's some nice perch north/east of Butler Island jigging worms in 10' to 20'.
smallies were light in both Bay's with best catches casting cranks or spinners in the weeds.