08-31-2010, 10:35 PM
I second cut bait. I've always had best luck with squawfish and sucker meat. Cut up chunks of whatever type of fish lives in the reservoir can work OK too.
You can make chicken liver stay on the hook better if you sprinkle the livers with garlic powder and plain salt and leave them in the sun for a few hours on a cookie sheet. Then come back and flip them over and sprinkle the other side and leave them out for a few more hours. They will keep a long time.
Raw shrimp works well too.
You can make chicken liver stay on the hook better if you sprinkle the livers with garlic powder and plain salt and leave them in the sun for a few hours on a cookie sheet. Then come back and flip them over and sprinkle the other side and leave them out for a few more hours. They will keep a long time.
Raw shrimp works well too.