08-09-2003, 01:15 AM
weber basin is the demise of the weber river every year. one that i have personallyt complained to endless people about each fall season. i do believe they control some amount of water in willard.
i dont know if any of you realize this but the water in willard is going out!!!! its this low and instead of where the ogden river dumps in and the water moves into the lake. it is going outward. i was in my tube and the water current is so fast you cant even paddle there. its a river but going the opposite direction. and you are right fish we need to do something about this. its bad enough to be this low but to let water out like this during a drought is unbelievable. ill email as well. i hope other people voice about this. if you dont it wont get fixed and you opinions do matter so speak up and say something, and not on just this forum take the time to email and lets get some weight behind this complaint.
i dont know if any of you realize this but the water in willard is going out!!!! its this low and instead of where the ogden river dumps in and the water moves into the lake. it is going outward. i was in my tube and the water current is so fast you cant even paddle there. its a river but going the opposite direction. and you are right fish we need to do something about this. its bad enough to be this low but to let water out like this during a drought is unbelievable. ill email as well. i hope other people voice about this. if you dont it wont get fixed and you opinions do matter so speak up and say something, and not on just this forum take the time to email and lets get some weight behind this complaint.