08-08-2003, 04:38 PM
[#ff0000]We were out there from 6-11 am yesterday. We DID have the whole pond to ourselves. We took the row boat out and fished the north dike area. The shad were everywhere, about 3/4 of an inch long. The birds were divebombing the water fast and furious, scattered everywhere, especially from about 8:30 to 10. Didn't see any boil action, didn't have any Wiper action casting from the boat. Tried a bottom bouncer and lindy rig for awhile. Nothing on the bottom bouncer but picked up 9 small catfish on the lindy rig in about an hour and a half. When we left there was a guy trying to launch an 18 foot fiberglass. He walked all over the place convincing himself he could do it and then could never get it off the trailer. By the first buoy going out we were scraping more bottom than water with the oars, calling it a foot deep was generous. Did you see the mud bank about 100 yards straight out from the marina? We beached on it for a little while and it was streaked with prop and skeg marks. I can see getting past the no wake zone, setting it wide open, and heading straight out into open water only to trash your prop right about when you're up to maximum power. Just remember to always veer a little to the port or starboard when coming out of the north marina. [/#ff0000]