04-27-2010, 07:20 AM
like stated above accuracy distance line versatility lure choices. Rods of better quality.
If your looking for one the cabelas prodigy is a good one its fair priced.
You will experience backlash when casting.
1. read instructions too your reel, set your brakes too 70% throw 3/8 or so ounce weight on it next push the button keep your thumb on the line and let your weight fall too the ground adjust your reel too just let a wrap or two come off your reel. you know its not set right if the weight falls to fast or does not fall fast enough.
2. Get some tape DO NOT FORGET THE TAPE
3. Cast the Bad boy... and keep your thumb on the line and use pressure to slow it down. and guess what your going too lash now. Pull the lash out If it did not lash pull of 5 or 6 wraps off of the reel and grab the tape now take a strip of tape and tape it across your reel spool NOW cast away and now your protected. When you back lash it will stop at the tape... Thats the best advise I can give you. Itll save you time and money good luck.
If your looking for one the cabelas prodigy is a good one its fair priced.
You will experience backlash when casting.
1. read instructions too your reel, set your brakes too 70% throw 3/8 or so ounce weight on it next push the button keep your thumb on the line and let your weight fall too the ground adjust your reel too just let a wrap or two come off your reel. you know its not set right if the weight falls to fast or does not fall fast enough.
2. Get some tape DO NOT FORGET THE TAPE
3. Cast the Bad boy... and keep your thumb on the line and use pressure to slow it down. and guess what your going too lash now. Pull the lash out If it did not lash pull of 5 or 6 wraps off of the reel and grab the tape now take a strip of tape and tape it across your reel spool NOW cast away and now your protected. When you back lash it will stop at the tape... Thats the best advise I can give you. Itll save you time and money good luck.