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Happy Turkey Day!
Sorry about the long post but I just thought I'd share my day with everybody.....I was pretty excited for this morning to finally arrive. I got up early and set up in my favorite spot before sunlight. I had toms gobbling on both sides of me, but the closest, and most promising one was off to my right still in the roost. I sat down right where I knew they would walk by. While I was waiting patiently for him to fly down and start walking around, I hear a car coming up a nearby road (I'm on pretty restricted private land bear in mind). The car stopped then BOOM, some idiot poached my turkey out of his car window![mad] Oh, and it was from the road, in a tree, and on private property![mad][mad] Needless to say I was more than a little perturbed. I walked over to see if I could get a license plate # but thought about the fact that there was a law breaking idiot with a shotgun behind that license plate, so I walked it off.
I still had gobblers working off to my left so I set up at an old barn that the turkeys pass by pretty often. I immediately spoted some hens and I set up where I could watch them. About five minutes later three long beards run into the field towards the hens. It was fun to watch them strut and try to impress the ladies. To make a long story short the three toms ended up going out of site for a while, then when I decided to climb over a fence to get a better view, all three of them poked their heads up about twenty yards away, but my gun was leaning on the fence and I had to freeze for a good hour and a half in a half squat position (or 1 minute, but it sure seemed long) while they decided what I was. They ducked back down over the hill, I jumped two fences as fast as I could while still being quiet, then crested the hill, and bagged my first turkey of 2010!
I didn't weigh him or anything, but his beard was 9 inches on the dot, and he had good size spurs. It was so much fun that I went and got my 2nd tag tonight and I'm going to try and do it all again tomorrow!
I hope everybody else has/had good luck! And if anybody sees the guy that poached my turkey, kick him for me would ya![pirate][pirate]
Here's some pics

Messages In This Thread
Happy Turkey Day! - by iliketofish - 04-16-2010, 03:49 AM
Re: [iliketofish] Happy Turkey Day! - by Belasko - 04-17-2010, 12:00 PM
Re: [Belasko] Happy Turkey Day! - by iliketofish - 04-24-2010, 01:20 AM

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