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A liitle Hello from over here
Thank you for the warm welcome.

I prefer fishing with hard lures. In the Dutch 'Polder' these are dykes used to drain the water out of the fields, you need to go for bait running on the surface. Manns minus 1 is a good choice there. The bomber also works fine.
Jerk baites also work there and you would surprised what size of pike you can catch in these trenches eventhough some of them are just 1-2 yards deep and they are max 6-8 yards whide. But it is a whole system like web.
I haven't tried so far because I don't have the gear and seems rather complicated. I usually go for spinn fishing. Last year I bought some bait casting equipment.
What we also do is trolling as far as it is allowed. At lots of water in Europe it is not allowed to do trolling. Even one of the waters which gets more an more famous, The Bodden (Eastern German coast close to Ruegen) it is not allowed.
Coast line in Sweden no permission either.

We sometimes go to an artificial lake in Holland (google Vinkeveen). It was dug out to get the sand and gravel for the buildings in Amsterdam. It is nice fishing there.

Messages In This Thread
A liitle Hello from over here - by Krauthecht - 02-22-2010, 09:54 AM
Re: [macfly55] A liitle Hello from over here - by Krauthecht - 02-22-2010, 06:44 PM

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