02-05-2010, 06:29 PM
Mac, what is the fee for using the private lakes and the hours of operation? Can your own troll motor be used with toons and is there a fee for that? Do you need registration numbers for private lakes if you use a troll motor? I believe some states have reciprocal agreements on registrations, but don't know about CA...
[quote macfly55]here is a link to the [url "http://www.fishinglakes.com/"]Corona Lake[/url] and others site.. all are part of a group.. as I said privately owned and operated so no license it required and as far as I know all allow tubes and toons...
MacFly [cool][/quote]
[quote macfly55]here is a link to the [url "http://www.fishinglakes.com/"]Corona Lake[/url] and others site.. all are part of a group.. as I said privately owned and operated so no license it required and as far as I know all allow tubes and toons...
MacFly [cool][/quote]