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Help with fish finders for ice
[quote Highdesert81]

I'm new to electronics on the ice so could some one fill me in as to why I need a different transduecer for ice fishing.


In order for a transducer to work it must point straight down the hole. A transducer designed to be used on a boat works fine on a boat, because it can be permanently attached or sometimes is attached with a suction cup; however, the same transducer must be attached to something in order to point down the ice hole. Some make a support system out of PVC pipe, wood or some other material to accomplish this. The next challenge that this creates is that if one is fighting a fish it can get wrapped around the transducer if it is left down the ice hole. Frequently, removing the transducer from the hole, when it is permanently attached to some type of support system, can be a pain. Also, frequently repositioning it so that it is pointed straight down the hole can also be a challenge. To get around these issues they make a transducer that is designed to be hung down a hole. The transducer is self-leveling, which means it is always pointed straight down the hole. Some like to use them attached to an arm that is in turn attached to the fish finder. Others (like myself) prefer to have it attached to a float. The ice transducer can be easily removed from the hole when fighting a fish and just as easily dropped back into the hole and it automatically aligns itself so that it is pointed down the hole.

Messages In This Thread
Help with fish finders for ice - by Fin-Addict - 12-08-2009, 05:56 AM
Re: [Highdesert81] Help with fish finders for ice - by kentofnsl - 12-09-2009, 03:24 PM

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