12-05-2009, 10:26 PM
if those in the photo are what your producing your doing just fine.
if that is what you are attempting to occomplish, then you will want to do one color and cure at a time.
dont use a torch to cure, you wont like the end product. there is a heater gun that looks similar to a blow hair dryer that you can pick up at a hobby shop.
you do your body first then you can do the detailing, you can even stop and come back to finsh them or change the colors later or do production line work if you like hanging them on a wire line between
using the torch will give yo to thick of a poweder application if your dipping your lead heads in to the powder. or at least that was the trouble I was having when I was using the torch. not to mention the finish would run. Using the air blower will draw just a thin layer when dipping.
keeping the jig hot or reheating you can use a paint brush or Q-tip to apply your eyes and other detail work.
I am not the pro on this subject here, Tubedude has a thread on the subject on this board, you can look it up and reply to his post with any questions about tech and applications.
if that is what you are attempting to occomplish, then you will want to do one color and cure at a time.
dont use a torch to cure, you wont like the end product. there is a heater gun that looks similar to a blow hair dryer that you can pick up at a hobby shop.
you do your body first then you can do the detailing, you can even stop and come back to finsh them or change the colors later or do production line work if you like hanging them on a wire line between
using the torch will give yo to thick of a poweder application if your dipping your lead heads in to the powder. or at least that was the trouble I was having when I was using the torch. not to mention the finish would run. Using the air blower will draw just a thin layer when dipping.
keeping the jig hot or reheating you can use a paint brush or Q-tip to apply your eyes and other detail work.
I am not the pro on this subject here, Tubedude has a thread on the subject on this board, you can look it up and reply to his post with any questions about tech and applications.