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Happy Duck Day Everybody!
There's not really too many things besides fishing that can get me out of bed at 4:00 am, but duck hunting is one of them. A budy an I set up near St. Anthony this morning and waited anxiously for 7:00 to roll around, we had our decoys set up and ready by 6:30, and by 6:45 we probably had 50 live ducks swiming in our spread (which didn't actually do us any good becuase we weren't sitting in our spots yet but still cool). Any way to make a long story short, I was again reminded that I'm not too good of a shot [blush], but by 11:00 we called it a day, and had 7 ducks and 4 geese on the ground. It was a blast! I hadn't ever shot a goose before so that really made my day!

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Happy Duck Day Everybody! - by iliketofish - 10-03-2009, 11:34 PM

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