08-10-2009, 01:47 AM
I went to Pentwater this weekend .
Downpours and sunshine on and off all weekend [mad] .
Rained ever night I was there so no standing at the pier for me .
The charters wern't doing well at all , today at the cleaning station I did see one 12 lb cromer and a maybe , just maybe 14" cromer as the catch of the day .
The countys marine patroll and coast guard went out looking for a boat in distress around noon .high winds and big waves kept most the charters in dock maintaining and cleaning their boats .
Downpours and sunshine on and off all weekend [mad] .
Rained ever night I was there so no standing at the pier for me .
The charters wern't doing well at all , today at the cleaning station I did see one 12 lb cromer and a maybe , just maybe 14" cromer as the catch of the day .
The countys marine patroll and coast guard went out looking for a boat in distress around noon .high winds and big waves kept most the charters in dock maintaining and cleaning their boats .