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going fishing tomorrow for the first time
[quote Aznavalanche]By the way, thank you so much for helping me, sorry if I'm causing any trouble or anything...[/quote]

not a problem really

first pic i like to add alot of shot for some reason u can see the bobber dance around better and if they take it you will know instead of just bobbing up and down.
Bobberless same concept as 1st pic leave a couple shot on and just a single hook on the bottom and just slowly raise it up to feel if your in heavy with the weeds and just slightly jig it.

2nd pic is what i use for chubs. take the front hook and hook it on the bottom lip and the other hook in the middle on the back and usually keeps it alive for awhile and lets it swim around. Just stick a huge bobber and some weight to keep it from floating in to fast and there u go.

If you know how to string a mini just use that with the open end treble and some shot.
I always have luck with spinner baits and i know alot have luck with soft baits if you dont want to mess with live bait.
I like live bait cause its cheap and easy to hook.

Well if you go and want some company can always pick me up and ill go with you lol. I would meet u there but my women is the only one with the drivers license so im at the mercy of her work schedule.[:/] But let me know and we can exchange PH# I live in indiana by the way.

[Image: Picture079.jpg]

[Image: Picture081.jpg]

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Re: [Aznavalanche] going fishing tomorrow for the first time - by vashe - 07-24-2009, 12:44 AM

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