06-23-2009, 12:30 AM
yes, they've answered your question it seems. I'm just gonna add an amendment. Breatheable waders are not really breatheable underwater, very true. My breathables are ALWAYS damp. Finally they wore out to a slow leak at certain points. There is a big difference in an actual leak and just dampness. Your pants will have a wet spot conspicuously underneath the waders. Save your money, buy a "cheap" pair of hodgeman's breatheables for summer. Get a 4mm neoprene for winter......that thing is like a solid wall against the cold. Every time I went out ......and yes it was more than I can count.........my waders froze, yes, FROZE solid before I could get back to the car and i was still warm enough inside. Of course i was layered up to the point of obesity too lol. Had to utilize the tailpipe to defrost my wader boot laces and pliers to undo the knot that tied my shoes. What a blast! One time i pulled hard with the pliers without defrosting and the laces just snapped.