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Carp Festival and Fishing Contest
Smallest crowd in history is what I heard.

I'll have pictures of everything hopefully by the end of the week. It was a good time to be had though! I've never seen so many people congregated on the shore trying to catch just one kind of fish.

They had childrens games which proved to be the next biggest crowd drawer. They also had live bands and an educational puppet show on-stage.

The Three Rivers Park District was there talking about watersheds and pollution and how you can help cut back on the pollution that goes into our waters. I spent most of my day wandering around and talking to this gentleman from the Anoka Historical Society passing out a sheet of paper with a brief summary of the history of Coon Rapids Dam.

The "Carp Cops" (weigh-in officials) were a great group to talk to. They also had employees from Underwater Adventures there (they had a tank there for holding the winning fish for display). They took a couple of the winners to their facility to put in their tanks for people to see. One person caught a bowfin and they took that too!

The largest fish, adult category, won an aluminum boat, motor, and trailer. The winner snuck in and won by just a few ounces within the last 30 minutes of the seven hour event. He was someone from Illinois.

The largest fish of the day was actually brought in by a kid that looked to be around 11 yrs old. He couldn't even carry the fish to the weigh station. Someone else carried it for him. It was over 19 lbs!

The weather was beautiful. Couldn't get any better. Sun was shining, nice cool breeze, not a cloud in the sky.

Like I said, more information is coming, including pictures!

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Re: [Flagmanonice] Carp Festival and Fishing Contest - by DrownedDesertRat - 06-23-2003, 03:42 AM

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