06-07-2009, 06:57 AM
Even worse than bow wakes are water skiers and personal water craft. Yes, I am surprised to read so many of you guys will tube while mixed close in with power boats. I have seen many close calls over the years, but not from flipping. Young 12 year old kids or booze impaired teens and adults on PWC can't hear your yells or see your tube while racing at 30 mph. I would carry a loud boat horn and have a fluorescent bike flag hanging high above my tube, and still feel unsafe. On a couple of lakes I began taking one rod rigged with a beat up old hardbait, with a full set of trebles. Hauled one guy right off his PWC after a masterful cast wrapped a wrist. When he threatened to report me to the rangers I just asked him how he was going to explain getting close enough to be tangled in my line. Lost that plug. Left the hooks in him so he could go to the doctor. Shoulda ripped them out and released him "unharmed". That's funny, made my day!
Carried a wrist rocket for a few trips on Willard Bay Reservoir in Utah, back in the days when float tubes were more of a novelty. Water skiers thought I made a great pylon for slalom moves. After I hit one of them in the butt with a marble from my wrist rocket I got in trouble. The ranger couldn't stop laughing long enough to finish writing my ticket, but I was "sternly warned". Ha, Ha. Love this story, thanks for sharing.
Final answer? Flotation fishing is inherently safer than most boating...if you excercise proper precautions and wear your required devices. Yes, but if you manage to flip somehow (Repeter), the (Irish) "cork" effect works in reverse, keeping your head trapped underwater. Maybe best to have your quick release from bib or other restrictions practiced.
I am also surprised to read some will go out in "surf" like conditions. There is almost no danger of capsizing, but how do you keep from being miserable, with all the bouncing and getting splashed? How do you hold positions and keep from being blown away with only fin power?
Flygoddess I almost believe your new rig could safely get you over Niagra Falls standing up... For me, I don't want the hassels of a cigarette boat, smaller is better because you can go in small water streams as well as sections of large bodies. One can spend more time on the water and less time setting up, loading, unpacking, in maintenance, etc.... But I respect your perspective, to each his own..