04-27-2009, 05:51 PM
I'm sure you can call Lee's marine to confirm this but I had the same concern a few years back and after I checked the lower unit I talked to Lee and he told me this. In two stroke engines, maybe all engines, the exhaust goes out through the center of your prop. Not all engines do this but some will have an excess of oil mixed with the gas, when this combines with the water as it goes out the prop area you get the white milky color around the prop. I might not have explained this right but I was told this is normal on some engines. Again you can call Lee to confirm this but as long as the fluid in your foot area was not milky, you should be OK. Sounds like you needed to change your fluid in your motors foot area anyway[]. I don't do it every year but some folks do change their lower end oil every year, just make sure that little "O" ring around the lower screw is still in good shape and not torn when you refill the foot area with oil.