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"Utah Guy" needs an education on ice.
I'm hoping to get some expert opinion on feasibility on an ice road I'm proposing on Strawberry Res. Utah. A high elevation trout and kokanee salmon fishery. Heavily utilized during the summer months. The blue ribbon cutthroat trout fishery in Utah. Anyway the problem is snow and tons of it. Annual snow total around 200 to 300 in per yr. So Ice conditions are inconsistent to say the least, And on a common yr one good snow will limit access out on the lake for days if not weeks. Resulting in several layers of slush and ice. (inconsistent travel)And only the most prepared and adventurous angler will venture more than a few hundred yds from the marina or parking lot.

Its a large lake by our standards and the thought of plowing a path or road around the lake would be nice to use. I'm thinking It would need to be about a 10 mile loop give or take a couple miles. Really not many pressure ridges form. Ice making season. Bays form ice around mid december. And a full cap by New yrs day. Thickest ice around march 1 around 36 in. And ice off around as early as late march.

Any thoughts on methods and is it a lot of work? Costs?
I believe it would be quite popular. Also who does it in your neck of the woods? Are there restrictions? I already have a snow cat or groomer on board. How much ice do I need?

Hope to get some answers! Can you point me in any direction?

Thank you very much![fishin]

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"Utah Guy" needs an education on ice. - by ceedubya - 12-20-2008, 05:12 PM

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