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Hello From Your New PA Forum Moderator
Yeah the gas prices sucked this summer thats for sure! Things are looking up though out my way gas is $2.25 and falling!

One thing about your part of the state is you don't have many lakes but you do have some really great rivers! Sometimes i think river fishing is better thank lake fishing just because it seems like everytime i go to the river i get alot more fish to the boat. Almost like you don't need to work as hard lol. I think alot of that has to do with there not being as much boat traffic on the rivers.

If you find anything else out about the guys on the river please post i am really interested in how they are doing out there this time of year.

I am gonna do my best at covering the entire state on this forum. I can only do that with the help of everybody in here. It might be hard at first but i think if what few active members we have in here will continue to post and keep the forum fresh we will be able to attract more members. Im gonna try and keep the site as fresh as i can by posting some new (HOT) subjects that everyone can join in on. And if you or anyone else has any ideas don't be shy im open for everything you can throw at me.

B.T.W. I plan on going to the harrisburg sports show this year if weather permits. I would like to meet some of the members while im down there and discuss ideas i have for the forum. I will be adding a post at the beginning of the year about this also.

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Re: [boatnik13] Hello From Your New PA Forum Moderator - by bigpikeguy - 11-12-2008, 02:13 PM

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