10-08-2008, 06:41 PM
Sounds like the perfect place for the boogie man to hide would in fact, be under your bed. Look, I'm not concerned that one day (all of a sudden) the government will show up at my door step and demand my guns (not sure where you got that). I am concerned that little by little, bit by bit my rights will be compromised and infringed upon by some special interest groups like peta or alf. There are a ton of people with a lot of money that are actively trying to nibble away at those rights and the person we put in Washington has a huge impact on the success or failure of those plans. It may not even be something that we notice in our lifetime but to refuse to acknowledge that special interest groups that want your guns don't exisit simply plays right into their agenda. By the way, I also keep a fair amount of ammo on hand and I also don't have a problem if the government knows it.