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Oppening day of deer season tomarow
Thanks for sharing the deer hunt story Dave. Congrats on the handgun kill.

With the birth of my daughter I only managed to get out to hunt on the last day. I saw 5 deer and unfortunately all 5 are still out running around. Never had a clean shot and didn't want to push a bad shot and have to chase the thing into misquioto heaven (aka the swamp)

Most of the family was busy over the long weekend with only 3 out of the normal 7 hunters making it out. My father in law and 1 cuzin did manage to take a total of 3 doe's over the 5 day hunt.

The flies and misquiotos were in full force and it was pretty hard to sit still out there. If they have the hunt next year I'll be sure to wear some netting or something.

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Re: [davetclown] Oppening day of deer season tomarow - by Jaackrabbit - 09-27-2008, 05:16 PM

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